Articles of Informatics
LMU computer
(English: Computer Science), general user define the study of both tentangkomputasi, hardware (hardware) and software (software). Computer science yangberkaitan dengankomputer covered topics ranging from abstract analysis algoritmasampai yanglebih concrete subject sepertibahasa programming, software, including device keras.Sebagai discipline, Computer Science emphasizes padapemrograman computer, danrekayasa software (software), tend to be associated with sementarateknik komputerlebih things like computer hardware (hardware). However, the two terms are often misunderstood by many orang.Tesis Church-Turingmenyatakan that all computing devices that have umumdiketahui actually the same in terms of what they can do, though denganefisiensi different. This thesis is sometimes regarded as the basic principle dariilmu computer. Experts in computer science is usually menekankankomputer von Neumannataumesin Turing (computer tasks small and deterministic at any given time), because things like this is why most computer digunakansekarang. The computer scientists also studied other types of machines, beberapadiantaranya can not be used practically (suchComputer neural, komputerDNA, dankomputer quantum) and some of them still quite theoretical (suchComputer randomandkomputer oracle) Computer .Ilmu learn what can be done by some programs, and what is not (komputabilitasdanintelegensia artificial), how to evaluate an outcome ituharus program (algorithm), how the program should save and take certain bits of the information (data structure), and how the user program and communication (penggunadanbahasa programming interface) computer .Ilmu rooted darielektronika, matematikadanlinguistik .In the last tigadekade dariabad 20, computer science has become a new discipline and has been developing methods and computer science term sendiri.Departemen first established diUniversitas Purduepada tahun1962.Hampir all universities now have the highest komputer.Penghargaan science departments in computer science adalahTuring Award, this pemenangpenghargaan are all pioneers in bidangnya.Edsger Dijkstramengatakan:
Computer science is not about computers as astronomy is not tentangteleskop
Physicists ternamaRichard Feynmanmengatakan:
Age is not as old as computer science physics; Younger several hundred years.
However, this does not mean that the "dish" remote computer scientist
less than the physicist. Indeed younger, but grew up in a much more intense!
And in this case Informatics Engineering is a discipline that have its main office in computer science, which is basically a set of disciplines danteknik that specifically address the issue of transformation or processing symbolic facts (data) to optimally use it in the form of process-technology komputer.Transformasi logical and systematic process for mendapatkansolusi in solving various problems, so by selecting the program studiTeknik Informatics, we are trained to think logically and systematically to be able to easily adapt to work apapun.Seiring with the development of computer technology which is very fast, makaprogram education study program Informatics directed padapenguasaan informatics science and engineering skills which is based padakemampuan to understand, analyze, assess, implement, and menciptakanpiranti (software) in processing with a computer. In addition, lulusandiharapkan have the ability to plan a network and sistemkomputer, as well as master the basics of science and tenologi information as landasanuntuk development lanjutan.Menimbang of the above studies, the study program Informatics aim will memenuhikebutuhan human resources professionals in the field of information technology. In addition, to bridge between industry and public interest profession with kepentinganakademik, then drafted a competency-based curriculum, which in addition to the core charges, given also charges pengetahuanterapan local support base and engineering software. Hopefully, through this program can be produced graduates who are competitive, entrepreneurial spirit, and memilikiwawasan adequate information technology so it does not stutter when arriving waktunyauntuk apply their knowledge in the community.
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